Who knew you could have healthy chips? Not only are these cucumber chips super easy to make, but they’re also delicious! Perfect for the whole family.
Related Reading: Homemade Apple Chips with Caramel Sauce
But vegetables are a beast that I cannot seem to tackle. I actually like the taste of most vegetables. I’m not the kid at the dinner table that tried to feed my peas to the dog (okay, maybe sometimes.) I actually do like them.
I just don’t seem to find myself drawn to them.
Cucumbers are part of the what I like to call “fruit disguised as a vegetable” family which means I’m somehow automatically put off of them. So I’ve been trying to find new ways to enjoy them.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Easy Three Ingredient Cucumber Chips” quote=”Easy Three Ingredient Cucumber Chips”]
Which leads to these delicious dehydrated cucumber chips.
I had no idea how to make cucumber chips or any veggie chips for that matter, so I set out to learn. Not only did I find that they’re super easy to make, they’re also a great healthy chip replacement for dips + salsas!
Related Reading: Delicious Peach Mango Salsa with Star Chips
- 1 Cucumber
- 1 Tsp Vinegar
- 1 Tsp Salt
Slice the cucumber between 1/8" and 1/4". Toss in a bowl with the vinegar and salt and mix until the cucumber slices are thoroughly coated.
If you're using your oven, spread the cucumber out on lightly greased parchment paper on a cookie sheet and bake at 170F for 3-4 hours or until crispy.
If you're using your dehydrator, spread the cucumbers out on the racks and dry for 4-6 hours or until crispy. Dry time will vary depending on the humidity in your house.
Mix in other spices like pepper, cayenne, garlic, etc for different flavors.
Be sure not to cut them too thin. I did that with a couple of mine and you can see that they didn't stay fully intact when they were done!
Related Reading: Fresh Spinach Dip with Seasoned Pita Chips
For this recipe, you can easily use an oven, but we love using our dehydrator. It’s more consistent and great for summer! Regardless of whether you make baked cucumber chips or dehydrated cucumber chips, these are sure to be a hit for the whole family!
One thing I love about the cucumber chips is that they’re easy to take with us on our outdoor adventures. They’re a healthy snack while we’re on the go and are super easy to toss in our bag to snack on.
I’m excited to try some other flavor combinations, too. Sea salt and vinegar, or garlic herb, or even cumin and chili powder for a spicier version.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Need a healthy snack? Try these Easy Three Ingredient Dehydrated Cucumber Chips!” quote=”Need a healthy snack? Try these Easy Three Ingredient Dehydrated Cucumber Chips!”]
have you ever made dehydrated cucumber chips? what are your favorite flavor combinations that you would use to make these?
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