Silly Street Game Review: Simply Fun for the Whole Family!

While games for young kids can be easy to find, it can be hard to find ones that keep the adults interested, too. Luckily, we found a game that’s fun for those young and old!

Silly Street is a fun game that keeps everyone moving while teaching valuable character-building and social skills.

Keep reading to see our Silly Street game review. Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the post to see our rating system as to why we gave it a 4.3!

Silly Street Game Contents

  • A 40″ puzzle board
  • 55 silly cards
  • 4 solid wood game pieces
  • 1 cotton storage bag

Silly Street Game Instructions

The instructions for the game are super easy to follow. The basic premise is to take turns drawing cards, performing the action, and then moving based off of the card movement rules.

If you need to download the full instructions, you can find them on Buffalo Games.

Silly Street

2+ Players and Ages 4+


Silly Street recommends this game for those that are 4 and up. We didn’t start playing until Lily was 4, but I think she would have easily enjoyed it at 3.

As for the top end of the age range, I would say it entirely depends on the kids/people themselves. If just kids are playing, I think it could be fun for up to 8, maybe even 9 or 10, but if kids are shy or sensitive or feel they’re above acting silly anymore, it won’t be fun.

This game thrives with multiple generations though. If you’re able to play with young kids, teens, parents, and even grandparents – it’s a great way to bond and act silly with each other. Our daughter loves seeing us do ridiculous things that are a bit out of character and we usually all end up in a case of uncontrollable giggles!


Given that there are 4 tokens, you could argue that only 4 people could play. However, I think this would be a great game to play on teams. This game only gets more fun with more people! That being said, we’ve played with 2 players and have had loads of fun.

Silly Street Game Setup

The game board consists of large puzzle pieces that need to be assembled each time you play. Once that’s done, shuffle the cards and place them nearby and line up your game tokens. That’s it!

Silly Street Game Time

Silly Street generally takes us about 15-30 minutes to play between setup, movement through the board, all of the card actions, and then the dance party finale.

Buffalo Games Silly Street - The Award Winning Game That Gets You Up & Moving & Creative & Just Plain Silly Multi-colred, Blue, Red, White
  • Learn & explore & grow through play! 1 giant 40" puzzle board, 55 silly cards, 4 solid wood game pieces, 1 cotton storage bag
  • Playing silly street can help kiddos with all kinds of things like social skills, communication, creativity, resilience and confidence. Awesome!
  • Includes many types of play: dramatic, communication, creative, interpretive, competitive, teamwork. Helps build character traits like confidence, grit, adaptability, communication and creativity.
  • Join us as we pretend, move, sing and compete our way down silly street!
  • MULTIPLE AWARD WINNER - Mom’s Choice Award (Gold in the toys, games & puzzles category), Tillywig Toy Award (Best family fun award winner) and Dr. Toy (Dr. Toy's 100 best children’s products award)

Skills Taught by Silly Street

Silly Street focuses a lot on social skills. Most games do, but this is at a level that is truly easy for kids to connect with. It’s an outlet for a variety of types of play (dramatic, interpretive, etc) and aids in building resilience, confidence, adaptability, grit, and creativity.

There’s also the physical aspect of the game. Between karate kicks and even some basic yoga moves, getting kids moving is ridiculously easy with Silly Street. Especially when every game ends with a dance party!

Silly Street On The Go

You can easily use Silly Street as a portable game that can be played in the car, while camping, at the park, etc. Skip the board and grab the cards then ditch any that won’t be easily done where you’ll be. (So if you’ll be in the car, leave out any of the movement ones.) From there, you can play an on the go version of Silly Street in a variety of ways:

  • Play for a certain amount of time and whenever completes the most cards in that time-frame wins.
  • Hand out a certain amount of cards to each person. Whoever completes their batch first, wins.
  • Read cards to everyone and encourage everyone to participate in the task. You can skip the idea of winning here or decide ahead of time that someone will judge who does it best/loudest/farthest/fastest

Silly Street Replayability

After you’ve played this a few times, you start repeating a lot of the same cards as there are only 55. Not necessarily a bad thing, but the game lost a little bit of it’s appeal the more we played. The actions took less time, felt a little less creative, and the game got quicker and quicker.

If there was an add-on for more cards, we’d definitely buy it to increase the replayability factor. Another way to play it more often is to change up the players. Adding in different players can easily add in new silliness and it’s a great way to break the ice!

Tying in the on the go factor, it looks like there is an app we have yet to try! It looks like there are packs of cards that you can get that may increase the how often you can easily replay it and still have fun. We’ll update this post when if we test it out.

A Note for Sensitive Kids (or Parents)

This really isn’t a reflection of the game, but more so something to note if you have shy or sensitive kids.

While Silly Street encourages silly behavior, not all silly behavior is created equal – especially for sensitive souls. Some may not be comfortable singing in a high-pitched voice, but more than willing to karate kick like a kangaroo. Some may love hopping like a frog, but may struggle to list things they’re grateful for or red-colored fruits on the spot.

We ran into this early on in our Silly Street plays and realized we needed to make some adjustments to help make it more fun. We’ve adjusted some of the card statements and allowed skips or new card draws. The biggest thing we did to encourage silly behavior is to focus more on an adult and maybe be a little over-the-top with our actions. It helps model the ability to not take yourself too seriously, even as you get older, and usually ends up with her completing the task or at least having fun instead of ending up in a sour mood.

So if you have sensitive kids or if you’re a bit more sensitive adult, keep that in mind when deciding if Silly Street is right for you. It’s a game that can be incredibly fun, but it can also be overwhelming if you’re playing with people who feel uncomfortable for some or all of the game.

Overall Thoughts on the Silly Street Game

Silly Street is super fun, works for a variety of ages if you’re playing together, and is a quick game that can easily fill up some time. It’s easy to setup and play and teaches a variety of social skills. If played on a regular basis with the same people, Silly Street can feel a little monotonous but it’s easily fixed by changing up who you’re playing with!

Silly Street
It's a fantastic filler game that is perfect for short attention spans. Great to get people moving and get some of that energy out!
Educational Value
Reader Rating0 Votes
Quick setup
Easy to play
Fast-paced so it keeps everyone's attention
Teaches a variety of social skills
Can be intimidating for shy/sensitive kids
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