Looking to save money with your little one? Apply these five easy money saving tips on buying baby clothes to get the most bang for your buck when shopping.
While I was pregnant, I wanted to buy anything and everything when it came to baby clothes. If it was cute, I wanted it. Rarely got it, but definitely wanted it. We learned that it wasn’t always as simple as getting an amazing deal, too.
Baby clothes simply don’t last long because of how quickly babies grow. Shopping with this in mind helped us ensure that we didn’t waste nearly as much money. If you’re looking to reduce how much you spend, here are five money saving tips on buying baby clothes.
Look at Age and Weather
We just got some super cute stuff for Lily at the outlet mall for next Summer. They had tons of Summer clearance items that were way too big for her now, but it was perfect for the age she’ll be next year when swimsuits and hats are needed. We got 75% off numerous items so she’ll be prepared for next Summer for way less money.
Opt for Larger Clothing
We kept Lily’s onesies true to size, but a lot of other clothing items were purchased in a larger size. Jackets, pants, hats, etc. We were able to layer a lot of these items while they were too big and she was able to wear them longer because of that. With how quickly she grows, it’s easier to do this than to have everything be the perfect size for one month.
Scrub Out the Blowouts
The first blowout Lily had was in one of my favorite onesies. Immediately, I took to the internet to find out how to save it. Not for money saving purposes, but I realized pretty quickly how it could easily save us money. The simple trick for scrubbing out blowouts? Dish soap! (At least for breastfed babies.) Take a sponge and some dish soap, scrub out the poop, wash as normal and good as new.
Shop Sales
Outlet malls are great places to get discounted baby clothes like we did for Lily’s Summer clothing. But search clearance racks and watch for extra discounts in sales, too. One of my favorite places to snag a good deal is Kohl’s when they have an extra percent off clearance + Kohl’s cash.
Shop Secondhand
Consignment stores and thrift shops are also great places to shop for your little one’s clothing. You can find both new and used (but still in great condition) at both if you look hard enough. Same goes for hand me downs from friends and family. You can get some really cute stuff even if it’s not brand new! Plus, you can sell your old baby clothes for cash or trade for in store credit at some of these stores as well.
Getting the most out of Lily’s clothing is a huge deal for me. I’d much rather spend money on other fun things with her. If you’re looking to get the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to baby clothes, these five money saving tips on buying baby clothes should help you as much as they did me.
Let’s chat!
Do you have any money saving tips on buying baby clothes? Where are your favorite places to get the best deals on baby clothes?
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