Intentional Living Goal Setting Worksheet Printable

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Living intentionally doesn't have to be hard. This goal setting worksheet will help you achieve your mindful goals in no time!

I’ve talked about my goals to live intentionally on the blog before. Some days, especially with a new baby in the house, intentional living feels like the last thing on my mind and if it is on my mind – one of the hardest things to accomplish. But I still continue to work towards it, knowing that the efforts will pay off.

One of the ways that I actively work towards it is setting goals. Over time, I’ve found that I do much better with written goals. This way, I’m less likely to forget them and much more likely to hold myself accountable for achieving them. So I created a simple goal setting worksheet that I wanted to share with everyone so you could see how I go from hopeful achievement to major accomplishment.

Living intentionally doesn't have to be hard. This goal setting worksheet will help you achieve your mindful goals in no time!


All you need for this is the goal planning worksheet printable and a pen. Or in my case, multiple pens. I love using a variety of colors when I’m writing out my goals because it makes it more enjoyable for me. The pops of color make the planning session more fun and I’m more motivated to achieve my goals!

My favorite pens to use are the Pilot G2 Pens. I came across these pens when I worked as a Scheduler at a manufacturing plant and fell in love with them! They have four point sizes and 15 vibrant colors, allowing me to personalize all of my planning sheets. The comfortable grip and the long-lasting gel ink makes them even more ideal. With all of the customization options for the Pilot G2 Pens, how could you go wrong?

Living intentionally doesn't have to be hard. This goal setting worksheet will help you achieve your mindful goals in no time!

The goal setting worksheet is pretty self-explanatory, but I wanted to share my method. It’s taken me awhile to figure out how to go from zero to done as efficiently and quickly as possible so maybe I’ll be able to save you some headache along the way!

  1. Goal: A simple statement of what you’re hoping to achieve that works towards your big purpose. 
  2. Due Date: A must! I used to set goals without due dates and guess what? It took me forever to accomplish them, if I accomplished them at all. Set a due date that pushes you to work hard, but is also feasible so you don’t feel like you’re going to fail from the start.
  3. Action Plan: I use my action plan section almost as if they are mini goals that help me achieve the major goal. They break the big goal into smaller sections, making it easier to achieve in small bursts rather than all at once. The action plan should cover a bulk of what needs to be done in order for the major goal to be considered complete. If you’d like to be more specific, add dates to these lines as well to ensure that you’re on track to achieve your goal.
  4. Reason for Your Goal: By far the most important part of the worksheet in my opinion. If you don’t know your reason, what’s the point of having this goal? What’s motivating you to work towards this goal? How is this goal contributing to you being a better version of yourself? Knowing the reason gives you motivation to work harder towards your goal and pushes you through when/if you hit a roadblock.
  5. Notes: Pretty simple, but anything that isn’t covered in the other sections above.

Living intentionally doesn't have to be hard. This goal setting worksheet will help you achieve your mindful goals in no time!

Every time I have a big goal I want to accomplish, I go through this process. Sometimes it seems tedious because they steps and the goal are pretty easy to accomplish without planning, but this always gets me to remember A) why I’m doing it (the reason) and B) when it needs to be done so I’m regularly thinking about it. It helps me stay focused and ensure that things get done when they need to be done.

It also allows me to see what’s most important. If I have multiple things I’m working towards, I can just look at the reason for the goal. Usually, it’s pretty evident to me where my priorities are from the reason alone. If it’s not as noticeable for you, assign your goals a rank. You can use 1-5, 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important. Then, when you glance at your lists of goals, you can quickly see which ones you should focus on first.

And if you’re looking for more tips, check out this video from Shonda Rhimes. She has inspired me in SO many ways with how much she has accomplished. I love that she has partnered with Pilot G2 Pens to share her top tips for overachievers:

Ready to grab your own Pilot G2 pens? You can save $0.75 on any ONE 4-pack (or larger) of G2 Gel Ink pens by clicking here. Be sure to head to Target with your coupon in hand for all of your pen needs! 

Living intentionally doesn't have to be hard. This goal setting worksheet will help you achieve your mindful goals in no time!


Let’s Chat!

Do you use Pilot G2 pens? What goals are you currently working on to live more intentionally? How do you celebrate your major milestones when you achieve your goals?

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Living intentionally doesn't have to be hard. This goal setting worksheet will help you achieve your mindful goals in no time!


