Luckily, CARE has made it easy to help those that have fled or have been displaced. With just a few minutes, or a small donation, your assistance could do wonders to show them that someone cares. Keep reading for three simple ways to help those in need in Syria.
write a letter
Only have a few minutes? Want to get the whole family involved? Writing a letter online is by far the easiest thing you can do to help! I’m sharing my letter below, but yours just needs to be even a sentence or two that will encourage the Syrian refugees that are just trying to live their lives as best as they can.
Hello from the United States!
I know we don’t know each other and I haven’t ever had to experience something so tragic, but words cannot express how much I care about the situation you’re (so unfortunately) in. But I do know something very special. What you’re currently going through doesn’t define you. It doesn’t have to prevent you from chasing your dreams, whatever they may be. It’s just a stepping stone in the rocky journey that is life.
This will always be a part of you, but it’s just that: a part. Stay strong and do what you can to care for yourself and your loved ones. Read books. Sing songs. Play games. Show love. And always look for the sunshine on the cloudiest of days – it’s there, it just may be harder to find sometimes.
My hope for your is that the situation you’re in will become brighter and better soon. You’re strong enough to get through this, I know that. So even if you doubt that at times, know that someone from across the miles believes in you.
With love,
send a package
Want to do even more? Monetary donations provide CARE kits that give basic supplies to those struggling. Since World War II, CARE has been providing emergency aid that helps families survive — and even overcome — the chaos caused by war and disaster. Your gift today of a CARE package will be symbolic of the supplies, services, relief and hope provided to Syrian families in need.
- $35 – provides a hygiene kit
- $70 – provides a month’s worth of food
- $114 – provides a voucher for basic supplies
- $300 – provides livestock and agriculture support
Or donate an amount of your choosing. Maybe giving up your weekly or daily latte for a week or even a month, a meal or two of eating out, or even just your entertainment money for the week. Whatever you can donate will make a huge impact on many lives.
learn more + share this information
Knowledge is power. You can read stories of those that have been helped by CARE packages in the past and how they’re paying it forward now. You can also help those you know learn about what they can do by sharing this post (links below + above the post, plus the click to tweet button below) or sharing the links I’ve shared. Show others how easy it is to help those in need with just a little bit of their time or even their money. Everyone can help with this. Young or old, rich or poor – doesn’t matter. So just share as much as you can with everyone you can and together, we can help bring some extra love and care to those in need in Syria.
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So write a letter, donate a CARE kit, or learn more about this struggle to find out what is being done then share it with friends and family.