When we have big projects for The Gnarly Whale that take up a ton of our time and we’re going to be filling or labeling bottles for 40+ hours, something has to make the time go quicker. I may love my job, but I don’t love doing something that repetitive for hours and days on end. So we usually keep our sanity by binge watching our favorite television shows. But if we’re not up for re-watching our favorites, we always turn to Netflix for one big reason: they start at season 1. So it doesn’t matter that we’re pretty much always behind the times on awesome TV shows or that we never gave shows a chance when they were on. Which leads me five of my favorite shows that I love because of Netflix.
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Why we didn’t give this show a chance when it first started is waaaay beyond me. It’s one of the few shows that we’ve watched live on a regular basis now and there is always a monumental count down to when it returns every October. It’s a toss up between this and #4 in this list for my all time favorite shows now. And if you didn’t know, it returns next Friday so you know where I’ll be on Friday night!
Grey’s Anatomy
This show is pretty much the opposite of every other show I watch and yet somehow, I cannot help but love it. This was all we watched for weeks on end when we had a big wholesale order a few years ago and it never got old. Super bummed about a lot of the people that are no longer on the show, but I’m still a fan. I’m also not loving the current season of it which is kind of a bummer. Hoping it turns around soon.
Parks and Rec
We still haven’t finished this show, but this was my go-to during our big filling days when I needed a bit of a pick me up. I’ve always been a huge Amy Poehler fan and now I think I’m just a huge fan of the entire cast. The show is so ridiculously funny and I cannot wait to pick up where we left off!
This is my most recent addition to the list because we spent the last two months watching this show. And pretty much only this show. We went through all nine seasons to get to the point that we could watch the current one and be all caught up. I watched this show so much that I had dreams about it and there were so many times that Nathan or I would say “that’s exactly like the episode where Booth and Brennan….” No spoilers here if you aren’t up to date on the current season, but I am SO MAD about the recent cast change. The show totally changed because of it and as much as I like the replacement, it’s not nearly as good.
Still haven’t finished this show either (just the last season left) and this is kind of a weird addition to the list because I actually started watching the show when we had cable. Thing is, Nathan and I (even though we weren’t together at the time) somehow both managed to not see the first season and even some of the second season. Yet we had seen the rest. So we started watching it on Netflix and then re-watched the episodes we had seen. We’re finally caught up with our Fall TV so I think we’ll finally finish the show soon. I already know how it ends, but I’m excited to see how the story gets there.
So there are five of my favorite shows that I love because of Netflix – what are some of yours? Also, please tell me I’m not alone in the binge watching. It’s such a guilty pleasure of mine!