Help Kids Count with This 1-10 Counting Printable

Looking for a fun, interactive way to help your kids count?

I’ve got you covered with this 1-10 counting printable! It’s a great way to help kids learn to count up and down, number order, and more. All you have to do is print out the sheets, get something to count with and start counting!

For counting, I recommend using snacks you can feel good about serving like Goldfish. These snacks are always baked with 100% real cheddar cheese and have no artificial flavors or preservatives. The Whole Grain Cheddar variety of Goldfish have 12g of whole grains per serving, too.

What’s even better is how the Goldfish get their colors. Their colors are sourced from plants, such as annatto that’s extracted from the reddish seeds of the Achiote tree. Here’s how each Goldfish derives its color:

  • Red: The red Goldfish crackers are colored using a mix of red beet juice concentrate and paprika extracted from sweet red peppers. Wholesome and colorful. You can’t beat that.
  • Green: The green Goldfish crackers color comes from watermelon & Huito juice concentrates mixed with extracted Turmeric. That’s Huito. Pronounced wee-toe. Colorful and fun to say!
  • Yellow: The yellow Goldfish crackers color comes from extracted Turmeric. A beautiful color that makes you think of warm sunshine on a perfect day.
  • Blue: The subtle blue crackers come from Huito (derived from South American fruit) and Watermelon juice concentrates. These crackers have so much fun, they never get the blues.

Now that you know how the Goldfish got their colors, it’s time to plant your vote for your favorite one! Head over to the Plant Your Vote page to vote for your favorite color and the color with the highest number of votes will get its own limited edition bag in April and May 2018. Voting lasts until 10/31 so don’t wait!

what is your favorite Goldfish color?