Lately, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on the things that I love about blogging. I’ve finally found a good rhythm and schedule which has made me 10x easier for me to truly enjoy the things I love about blogging and not focus on the things that drive me a little crazy. So today, I thought I’d share some of the biggest reasons I truly do love blogging. I’d love to hear why you do, too!
- It’s an outlet for me to share my inner most thoughts and my most ridiculous, wouldn’t-share-with-anything-else thoughts.
- It’s served as a personal account of my journey at times and has given me something to look back at when I want to see where I’ve been, what I’ve done, and how I’ve gotten here.
- It’s helped me accept myself and value who I am as I’ve processed my struggles.
- The people I’ve met have been absolutely incredible. There are friends who I would have never known, cultures I would have never understood, and places I would have never knew existed without all of the beautiful people I’ve come to meet in my 10+ years of blogging.
- It’s given me a creative space to help ideas grow.
- I’ve become more intentional in how I live after getting lost in blogging for the wrong reasons. I know I wouldn’t have “lost my way” if I didn’t have a blog, but I’ve come to appreciate how I live now so much that I’m actually incredibly grateful for getting a little lost along the way.
- It’s made me a better writer. Hundreds of blog posts tend to do that.
- I’ve more disciplined and organized now. Blogging takes a lot of discipline and organization for me so it forced me to become better at these things in order to move forward.
- The opportunities I’ve had because I was a blogger are still crazy to me. It still never ceases to amaze me how much power this title can hold if you’re doing things right.
- And along with that, the money I’ve made and the things I’ve received are even more mind-blowing to me. It can be hard work to generate that money and these opportunities, but it’s so worth it.
- The comments and connections that have reminded me in the most subtle of ways that I’m not alone (especially when I’m struggling) have prevented many breakdowns.
- It gave me the confidence to start a business that has forever changed my life.
- It’s given me new places to want to visit.
- And created a laundry list of new foods and projects to try to create.
- It’s one of the few things in my life that I know I will get out of it what I put in. My time and effort always pays off, even if it’s in a way I didn’t expect it to.
- It’s something that can be done in millions of different little ways which makes it such a personal and unique way to express yourself that I can’t do elsewhere.
- While some would argue there are plenty of rules you should follow (myself included at one point in time), I no longer agree with that and love blogging because of it. The rules are are simply guidelines or ideas, but they aren’t required which is something I’m grateful for. I’m a rule breaker down to my very core so not having any rules to break makes it so much easier.
- It’s my own one-person show, which means I’m not taking orders from anyone else and I can work when I want to. I do not miss that aspect of a corporate job.
- It’s allowed me to help make a difference in someone’s life at least a couple of times and I can’t imagine a greater feeling.
so, why do you love blogging?